Analog Clock in WPF

Analog Clock in WPF

Create an analog clock in WPF with The Gauge Library from Arction.
The library is not open source but it is free, so no problems there.

Download the library from their site (by requesting a link per email) and add the Arction.WPF.Gauges.dll library to your project. Then add the Gauge Control to a Window. (Don't forget to add the line xmlns:agc="")

View source on GitHub

You can also download a WPF Analog Clock that has been styled as a stand-alone executable.

Code Snippets

The clock XAML of the MainWindow.

<Window x:Class="ClockDemo.MainWindow"
       mc:Ignorable="d" Height="370" Width="340"
       Title="WPF Analog Clock Demo">

        <agc:Gauge Name="Clock1"/>


And the MainWindow C# code to make it all work.

using System;
using System.Timers;
using Arction.Gauges;
using Arction.Gauges.Dials;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;

namespace ClockDemo
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        public MainWindow()

            //window title
            this.Title = "WPF Clock Demo";

            //create the clock

            //create the timer
            var timer = new Timer()
                Interval = 1000,
                Enabled = true
            timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(Timer_Tick);

        private void CreateClock()
            //some clock default stuff
            Clock1.Width = 300;
            Clock1.Height = 300;

            //create the hour scales
            var Hours = new Scale()
                AngleBegin = 60,
                AngleEnd = 60,
                DialLengthFactor = 0.6,
                DialShape = DialShape.DefaultNeedle,
                Label = new TextBlock(),
                MajorTickCount = 12,
                MinorTickCount = 0,
                RangeBegin = 1,
                RangeEnd = 13,
                ValueIndicatorDistance = -1000

            //create the minute scales
            var Minutes = new Scale()
                AngleBegin = 90,
                AngleEnd = 90,
                DialLengthFactor = 0.8,
                DialShape = DialShape.DefaultNeedle,
                MajorTickCount = 60,
                MinorTickCount = 0,
                RangeBegin = 0,
                RangeEnd = 60,
                MajorTicks = new MajorTicksLine()
                    LabelsEnabled = false

            //create the second scales
            var Seconds = new Scale()
                AngleBegin = 90,
                AngleEnd = 90,
                DialLengthFactor = 0.8,
                DialShape = DialShape.Line,
                MajorTickCount = 60,
                MinorTickCount = 0,
                RangeBegin = 0,
                RangeEnd = 60,
                MajorTicks = new MajorTicksLine()
                    LabelsEnabled = false

            //add the scales to the clock
            Clock1.PrimaryScale = Hours;

            //set the current time
            Timer_Tick(null, null);

        private void Timer_Tick(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                DateTime time = new DateTime();

                Clock1.PrimaryScale.Value = time.Hour;
                Clock1.SecondaryScales[0].Value = time.Minute;
                Clock1.SecondaryScales[1].Value = time.Second;