BrickLink API Calls

C# Tools Website BrickLink
BrickLink API Calls

VdwwdBrickLink is a light-weight C# library that can make API calls to the Lego BrickLink API to retrieve order(s). Then the order status and payent status can be updated.
This is useful if you use an external payment provider for your BrickLink shop. You can then update the order status if a payment is compleded off-site.

This library can get a list of orders or single order, update the order status or oder payment status.
If you want to use all the endpoints then use BricklinkSharp.

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Generate your keys and tokens

  1. Create a BrickLink account if you do not have one and then become a Seller.
  2. Add a Callback URL to which BrickLink will post the order updates.
  3. Generate your keys and tokens.
    Note: You will need a TokenValue and TokenSecret per IP address.
  4. Read the API guide.
  5. If you want to update the order status and payment status separately then you have to enable the option 'order payment status from order status' on the My Orders Settings page.

Initialize the VdwwdBrickLink library

Set your API keys and tokens in VdwwdBrickLink library. This only needs to be done only once, like in the Application_Start() or MainWindow() of your application.

protected void Application_Start()
    //set the required variables
    VdwwdBrickLink.Variables.setVariables("ConsumerKey", "ConsumerSecret", "TokenValue", "TokenSecret");

    //you can optionally specify the api url
    VdwwdBrickLink.Variables.setVariables("ConsumerKey", "ConsumerSecret", "TokenValue", "TokenSecret", "ApiUrl");

Retrieve orders placed in your store

Get a list of orders placed in your store.
By default you will get all the orders but you can filter by status Completed, Pending or Purged.

//get a list of all the orders
List<VdwwdBrickLink.Classes.Order> orders = await VdwwdBrickLink.Orders.getOrders();

//get a list of the orders filtered by a specific status
List<VdwwdBrickLink.Classes.Order> orders = await VdwwdBrickLink.Orders.getOrders(VdwwdBrickLink.Enums.OrderFilter.Completed);

Get a specific order

Get a single order placed in your store with the order ID.

//get a single order with the order id
VdwwdBrickLink.Classes.Order order = await VdwwdBrickLink.Orders.getOrder(12345678);

Updating the status of an order

Update the status or payment status of an order with the order ID.
A paymemt status is simplified to either true or false, but BrickLink has more options if needed.
The status can be one of the following options: Pending, Completed, Packed, Paid, Processing, Ready, Shipped or Updated.

//update the payment status of an order to either true or false
bool result = await VdwwdBrickLink.Orders.updateOrderPayment(12345678, true);

//update the status of an order
bool result = await VdwwdBrickLink.Orders.updateOrderStatus(12345678, VdwwdBrickLink.Enums.OrderStatus.Packed);

Receive the order updates posted to your Callback URL

BrickLink can post order updates to your specified Callback URL. These posts are a List of Push Notifications.
Depending on the application type used you can receive them in multiple ways. Below are two examples. VdwwdBrickLink cannot receive them for you but it can convert the posted Stream to a list of notifications.

[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", UriTemplate = "YourLocalUrl")]
public void MyBrickLinkMethod(Stream stream)
    //convert the posted stream to a list of notifications
    List<VdwwdBrickLink.Classes.PushNotification> notifications = VdwwdBrickLink.Helpers.readPostedStream(stream);

    //handle the order updates here

public void MyBrickLinkMethod(List<VdwwdBrickLink.Classes.PushNotification> notifications)
    //handle the order updates here